thank you and woo hoo!

YOU. ARE. IN. ai. decoded. hooray!

This is simply the best news. Your confirmation for AI Decoded is speeding its way to your inbox right this second.

meanwhile, here's what you need to do next:

  • Add your AI Decoded session to your calendar.
    And get that I'm doing something good for my business feeling:
  • Check your email for your confirmation.
    Be sure to check your spam folders. If you feel it's been way too long, email me at and we'll get things sorted for you. 
  • Follow me on Instagram. 
    So you can learn even more insider tips about branding, marketing, and AI. Connect here.

hey, one more thing before you go...

What's got you curious about using AI in your marketing?

I want to simplify my marketing. I'm here to use AI to make my life easier and my to-do list shorter.
I want a creative sidekick. Who can up my content with a touch of AI magic. 
Help me find my people. I want the inside scoop on what my audience really wants, and I hear AI's got the detective skills.
I'm aiming for efficiency. I want to use AI to scale my marketing efforts without a corresponding increase in workload or resources.
Just AI-curious, you know? Everyone's talking about AI, and I can't help but wonder what the buzz is about.